Reading Eagle Local News Article of Centre Parks Revitalization Park Project

Pictures from Halloween Party

Our Halloween Party in the park was a great success. We gave away over 400 bags of candy, Hotdogs, and pretzels to kids in our neighborhood and surrounding areas. A special thanks to Berk Products for donating the hotdogs, Redner’s Warehouse Market for donating the hotdog buns, and Unique Pretzels for donating the pretzels.

Centre Park Ribbon Cutting Ceremony September 4, 2024

Picnic Party in the Park July, 14

Photo’s are Courtesy of Keeb Photography LLC


Enjoy the premiere of the 40th Anniversary Video. Simply click the button below which will send you to “Living Here” to view the video.

“Our Mission: To promote architectural preservation and enhance neighborhood living”

The John Slifko Tree Fund


 “Public Service has been my life…” John Slifko at the announcement of his election bid, February 2017.

 John Robert Slifko was born in Massachusetts, grew up in Maryland, but fell in love with Reading especially the Centre Park Historic District where he called home for nearly 30 years.

 He was valedictorian of his high school class in 1966. He went on to receive a economics from Princeton University and a Juris Doctor degree from Vanderbilt University School of Law. Although he earned a law degree, he never worked as a lawyer, preferring instead to put his legal knowledge to use on causes in which he strongly believed. Not wishing to be an attorney, he decided to pursue his real love, working with his hands in the construction and home remodeling business.

 Public service and social justice were always the motivators of his life. In 2015 John was appointed to a vacant seat on Reading City Council and was elected as Councilman of District 6 in 2017. But his record of public service predated his tenure on City Council. He served as a member of the Charter Study Commission, the Charter Board and the 2001 and 2013 Charter Review Commissions. John was also involved with the Downtown Improvement District Authority’s Main Street board and the Reading Shade Tree Commission.

 John was a lover of nature and especially trees. Through his efforts hundreds of trees were planted throughout the City of Reading. He organized volunteer work crews to cut concrete sidewalks and dug holes to create new tree pits. Then planted, mulched and watered the newly planted trees.

 On January 7, 2019, John Slifko fell ill during a City Council work session and died on January 11 after undergoing heart surgery. His untimely death was a shock to all who knew and loved him and to the City that he selflessly served for so long. To the residents of the greater Centre Park neighborhood, John’s passing was extremely difficult. He was not just a neighbor or volunteer, he was a friend and he was family.

Unbeknown to anyone, John left the bulk of his estate to the Centre Park Historic District, Inc. for the sole purpose of the planting of trees in the northwest section of the City of Reading.

 In 2021, The Centre Park Historic District established the John Slifko Tree Fund to fulfill John’s final wish. The Centre Park Historic District, Inc. is honored to have been chosen by John to further his vision of community beautification.

Applications, Forms and Information on the John Slifko Tree Fund

A great place to call home!

Front porch 413 Douglass Street .jpg

Living Here

Centre Park is a welcoming, friendly and diverse unban neighborhood committed to preserving both the architecture and unique lifestyle which makes ours one of the very best neighborhood in Berks County, Pennsylvania


About Us

It all begins with an idea. Neighbors, friends and local businesses get together to help devise a plan that will enrich our neighborhood for all to enjoy. We welcome all ideas!

Self Guided Walking Tour

of Centre Park Historic District

Artifacts Bank

The primary mission of the Artifacts Bank is to preserve history through the careful dismantling and salvaging of building materials for re-use in historical restoration or for repurposing for that special project. Whether you are interested in historic preservation, looking for an historic element for your home or you are demoing an old building and want to ensure that the historic elements will be put to good use, the Artifacts Bank is the place for you.


Whichever type of Supporter you pick, or support you give your help will protect and maintain the places we love and care about here in Centre Park.