Make a donation.
As with any non-profit, your monetary donation is tax deductible and appreciated! Donations support neighborhood initiatives, events, education and more.
Please click the secure link below to help Centre Park!
Annual Support
Our organization is dedicated to protecting Reading’s premier historic district through architectural preservation and by building a lively community filled with caring neighbors.
As an annual supporter you become a member of the Centre Park Historic District family of friends.
Through your annual support, you not only receive special supporter benefits, but your contribution also helps us build programs that support preservation, sustains the important recycling, adaptive reuse mission of the Artifacts Bank and allows us to organize special events that promote our beautiful historic district and encourages community spirit.
As an annual supporter your benefits include:
10% discount on all purchases at the Artifacts Bank
Exclusive rights to consign items at the Artifacts Bank
Discounts or free tickets to CPHD ticketed events
Invitations to supporter-only events
Notification of all CPHD events
Annual support can be paid on a one-time basis or you may choose to have a set amount automatically charged to your credit card every month.
Supporter Application
This is a downloadable PDF for individuals who want to mail or drop-off application at the Artifacts Bank Building
Supporter Categories
Senior Citizen/Student $10: 1 Discount ticket per event
Individual $15: 1 Discount ticket per event
Dual $25: 2 Discount tickets per event
Family $35: 4 Discount tickets per event
Contributor $50: 1 Free ticket to Christmas Tour
Sustainer $100: 2 Free tickets to Christmas Tour
Benefactors $200: 2 Free tickets to Christmas Tour, Spring Fling, or Fall Ball
Patron $500: 4 Free tickets to Christmas Tour, Spring Fling, or Fall Ball
Sustaining Supporter: You choose the amount to be donated on a one time or monthly basis
By Mail: Please mail or drop off completed applications along with a check made payable to Centre Park Historic District to:
Centre Park Historic District
707 N. 5th Street
Reading, PA 19601
Purchase Supporter Online
Centre Park Rejuvenation Plan Fund
City-owned Centre Park, bound by the 700 blocks of Centre Ave. & North 4th St. and the 300 block of Windsor St. is the neighborhood’s focal point. It is a place for relaxation and passive recreation as well as for organized activities sponsored by our organization. However, over the years, time has taken a toll on the physical amenities of the park.
Several years ago, the Centre Park Historic District, Inc. Board of Directors formed a committee to assess, and hopefully address, the physical and environment needs of Centre Park.
An architectural landscape firm was hired to supply the organization with a Centre Park Revitalization Master Plan. Currently that plan is near completion. The plan develops ideas for the renovation of Centre Park, renewal or replacement of equipment and enhancement of natural features, as well as the future sustainability and maintenance of these areas.
Upon approval by all authorities, major fund raising to implement the plan will take place.
If you believe that improvements to Centre Park is a necessary step in not only keeping our neighborhood beautiful, but also improving the City’s landscape, please consider donating to the Centre Park Rejuvenation Plan Fund. Donations to this fund are restricted and can only be used for park improvements.
Make a one-time donation to the Centre Park Revitalization Plan or schedule an automatic monthly charge to your credit card.